Hmall Global Influencer    조회수 : 542

주최 현대홈쇼핑
주관 현대홈쇼핑
후원/협찬 현대홈쇼핑
응모분야 기획/아이디어 광고/마케팅 UCC/SOUND 체험/참여 취업/창업 해외 
접수방법 이메일
참가자격 기타 
시상종류 기타
접수기간 2017-09-01 ~ 2017-09-15
홈페이지 Global Hmall


 Hmall Global Influencer

 ● 참가 자격 및 응모 대상 

1) Active social media user (must have personal social media account) 
   ex. Blog, Youtube, Facebook, wechat, weibo and etc. 
2) Non-Koreans living in Korea.
3) Who can send presents to his/her friends or family living outside Korea, 
    and get feedback from them.
4) Who can attend offline meeting in the afternoon of 10/13, 10/27, 11/10, 11/24  
5) Who can attend Kick-off meeting on 9/25
6) Who are good at creating UCC (When applying, UCC portfolio is a plus) 

 ● 활동 내용
1) Social media Posting 
 - Week 4 : No need to post while making UCC 
 - Week 6, 8 : Post your experience after sending parcels to abroad by using Global Hmall.
   *Receiver's photos and feedbacks are necessary. 
 - Week 7 : Presentation of Global Business Strategy for Global Hmall 
                ex1. Marketing strategies to get popular 
                ex2. examples of other successful online shopping company in your country
 ※ Total post numbers = 8 posts = Global Hmall PR 2ea + Hmall's Items PR 2ea
2) UCC making (Week 4)
 - 10.16.(Mon) ~ 10.27(Fri), 2017 
 - Making and PR UCC for 2 Weeks. 
 - Let the world know about "Global Hmall" 
 - UCC should be uploaded to UCC maker's Social media, Hmall's social meida, 
   and other famous platform worldwide (ex. Youtube, Tudou, Youku, Iqiyi and so on..) 
- Best UCC Influencer will be awarded. 
3) Hmall Shopping experience review (Week 6, 8 / twice or more) 
 - Anytime during the term,
   each influencers may purchase any item on Global Hmall with provided Shopping money.
- Shopping review must be uploaded in Week 6 & 8. 
- Best Reviewrs will be awarded.
4) Presentation of Global Business Strategy for "Global Hmall"
- Every influencer will be prepared for the presentation.
- Presentation time will be under 3 minutes. 
- Topic : how can global hmall succeed in my country ? 
  ex. Influencer's each country's market trend / Introduction of one of the successful company
- Best Presentation will be awarded.
5) Interview 
 - Each influencers will be interviewed about the project. (Week 9) 
※ Photos and videos taking during the project can be uploaded to Hmall's Social Media.

● 활동 혜택(특전)
- "Global Influencer Certificate", issued by Hyundai Home shopping, will be provided. 
(Only if the candiates are qualified by completing the project listed below.)
 ※ Project to be completed : 
1) at least 3 Global Hmall PR Posts
2) at least 1 UCC 
3) at least 2 shopping review 
4) at least 1 Strategy 
- Good Posts will be shared on Global Hmall's Social media. 
- Best Influencers will be awarded on 2017.11.24
- Shopping money will be provided as Hpoint.

 ● 응모 일정
■ Recruitment date : 9.1(Mon) ~ 9.15(Fri), 2017 / 15 days
■ Announcement of Successful candidates : 2017.9.20 (Wed) / by email
■ Kick-off meeting : 2017.9.25 3pm Hyundai Home Shopping B6F 
■ How long : 9.25(Mon) ~ 11.24(Fri), 2017 / 9 weeks
■ Recruitment is based on resume, portfolio, and recommendation letter.


● 접수 방법 

1) Download the application form
   and Fill in the application form and submit via email.
2) Personal Social media account should be informed.
   (to share your post to Global Hmall's social media account) 
3) Portfolio (UCC, Influencer experience, and etc.) is a plus.
4) Please mark 'global' and 'your name' on the title of your email as example below.
    ex. [Global_Gildong Hong] , [Global_Peter Parker] 
5) Before you apply
- Please create accounts on both "Global Hmall", and "Hmall"
 (to provide you with shopping money on your account)
- Please follow Social Media of Global Hmall

 ● 유의 사항(기타 사항)
※ Detailed schedule of Global Influencer project may be changed without notice. ※

● 문의 사항

- Any Inquiry about Global Influencers :


  • 이 공모전의 내용은 주최사의 기획에 따라 변경할 수 있으니 이후 주최사의 자료를 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다.
  • 씽굿/대학문화신문사의 출처표기에 따라서 전재 및 재배포를 할 수 있습니다.