Facial Expression Book    조회수 : 4743

주최 Facial Expressions
주관 Facial Expressions
응모분야 영상/사진 해외 
접수방법 이메일 홈페이지 우편
참가자격 제한없음 
시상종류 기타
접수기간 2006-10-27 ~ 2006-11-15


It is important to read all of the guidelines so your artwork may be considered. You may enter as many times as you like. There is NO entry fee to enter this competition.

Entry/Release Form
Download the Entry form PDF file by clicking HERE. Fill in the form with your name, mailing address, phone number, description of your work of art, the name of the model you used, the contact information you would like included in the book and your signature.

If a client or someone else owns the rights to the work of art you are submitting, they will also need to sign the entry/release form.

Send in the entry/release form in one of three ways:

  • Fax the completed form to 407-370-2602
  • Scan and e-mail the completed form to MarkSimonBooks@yahoo.com
  • Mail a hardcopy of the completed form to Mark Simon, Facial Expressions Competition, 8137 Lake Crowell Circle, Orlando, FL 32836

Postmarked or e-mailed by November 15, 2006, but don’t delay. (Early entrants may be invited to submit other samples for inclusion in the book and early winners may be announced and the matching model samples will be removed from the competition.)

We only need non-exclusive rights to use your art in a Facial Expressions book and as promotion for you and the book. You, or your client, retain all copyrights associated with the art. We will print commercial work providing the rights owner signs the release form.

Styles of Art
We are looking at all styles and forms of art which use these great reference photos for inspiration. You can submit sketches, paintings, animation frames, cartoons, caricatures, CG models or anything else you can imagine. For sculptures or other dimensional object please send multiple photos of your entry taken from various angles and against a flat color background.

How To Submit Artwork for Consideration
Compressed images under 5 MB in size may be e-mailed to MarkSimonBooks@yahoo.com.

Larger files may be mailed on a CD (PC format) to: Mark Simon, Facial Expressions Competition, 8137 Lake Crowell Circle, Orlando, FL 32836

File Naming
To help us keep your art properly organized, please name your files as shown here.
Example: 03_Hailey_Semrau_by_Mark_Simon.JPG
(Model Age_Model Name_by_Artist Name.Suffix)

Image Format
We prefer high-resolution, low compression JPG images if you are e-mailing the images. Keep the images, if possible to no less than 2,000 pixels wide. For uncompressed images, please send a CD in PC format to the address above.

All files submitted should include the 3 letter suffix (ie: JPG, TIF, etc) on the file name, as we will be using the files on PC computers.

Please do not include watermarks or other extraneous text on your images, although signatures are allowed. Your credits and contact information will be included in the text.

All entries will be judged by author Mark Simon. While not every outstanding entry will win and fit in the book, some of the outstanding non-winners may be invited to submit artworks of other models, out of competition, for inclusion in the book.

Winners will be informed by January 1, 2007. They will receive:

  • Sample(s) of their art in the next Facial Expressions book.
  • Their contact information included in this best-selling book.
  • A free copy of the book as soon as it comes out.
  • Another Watson-Guptill book worth up to $30.
  • 이 공모전의 내용은 주최사의 기획에 따라 변경할 수 있으니 이후 주최사의 자료를 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다.
  • 씽굿/Thinkcontest.com/대학문화신문사의 출처표기에 따라서 전재 및 재배포를 할 수 있습니다.